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What To Do After An Auto Accident

Take These Steps To Protect Your Rights And Your Legal Case

Being in any sort of car or truck accident is a very frightening experience, whether it is a “fender bender” or you sustain serious injuries. However, it is very important to collect as much information as possible from the scene of the accident so you have a record of what happened and you can preserve evidence.

Call The Police And An Ambulance

If the accident is serious and you are able, you need to call an ambulance to get medical attention for yourself and any other injured parties. The police, sheriff’s department or state patrol must be informed of the accident if there are injuries or deaths, or if the damage to property is more than $1,000. It is always a good idea to call the police; that way there is a legal record of the accident to submit to your insurance company.

Do not leave the scene of the accident. You risk having your license suspended or driving privileges revoked if you do so.

Get The Other Driver’s Insurance Information

If you are able, exchange personal contact information and insurance information with the other driver. You will need this information to file an insurance claim for yourself and for your vehicle.

If you are unable, ask someone to get it for you or get the other driver’s information from the police report when you have recovered sufficiently from your injuries. A family member may be able to get this information for you if you are hospitalized.

Document The Scene

If you are able, take pictures of the accident scene, your car, the other car and your injuries to document what happened for your attorney.

Call Our Fayetteville Auto Accident Attorneys

At Britton Law, we have handled auto accident injuries for more than 25 years, in Cumberland County and surrounding counties of North Carolina. We understand the obstacles you need to overcome in dealing with your insurance company, and we fight for the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries.

Because car accidents can cause such serious and lasting damage, having a lawyer who is experienced in negotiations with insurance companies is more likely to result in your receiving the money you need to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. There are time limits to filing a personal injury claim, so call quickly to protect your interests.

Call To Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation

If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Complete our online form or call 910-401-3356 for a free initial consultation. We take cases on a contingency fee basis. If we accept your case, there is no fee unless we recover damages for you.