It’s Business, And It’s Personal

Truck Accidents Require Sophisticated Representation

Along I-95, rural highways and local streets, accidents with large trucks are all too common. Whether your car collided with a semi or you were struck by a delivery truck in front of your home, you will need an experienced personal injury lawyer to protect your rights.

Commercial vehicles have commercial insurance policies with plenty of liability coverage. However, trucking companies and insurers have teams of lawyers and adjusters who protect the company from risk. The greater the potential damages, the harder they will resist their obligation to the victims.

At Britton Law, we stand up for the rights of the individual against the trucking company and its insurance carrier. Our attorneys have extensive experience with truck accident cases. We know how to identify the negligent parties and hold them responsible for your injuries.

Collision with a truck in North Carolina?
For a free consultation, please call 910-401-3356. Based in Fayetteville, we take truck accident cases in surrounding counties and statewide.

Fighting For Your Rights

Because of the size of most commercial vehicles, when they collide with a passenger vehicle, the injuries are often catastrophic. Traumatic brain injuries, back and spinal injuries, amputations, burns, disfigurement and disability are common, and in many cases the injuries lead to fatality and a wrongful death claim. Our law firm is committed to holding truck drivers and trucking companies responsible, fighting to recover the compensation you need to pay medical bills and to cover lost income and other expenses.

The trucking company will have an investigation team from their insurance carrier on the accident scene within hours. You need someone to represent your interests, and as soon as possible. We will work to investigate the accident, examine driver logs and the condition of the vehicle, and find out if required maintenance and safety checks were completed. We will put the defendants on notice to preserve all evidence.

We can represent you in claims against all types of commercial vehicles:

  • Semis and tractor-trailers
  • Construction vehicles
  • Delivery trucks
  • School buses and city buses
  • Transport and logging trucks
  • Maintenance vehicles
  • Garbage trucks
  • Limousines and shuttles

We often work with experts to reconstruct the truck crash to prove that the truck driver was fatigued from too many hours on the road or that the truck company was otherwise negligent, such as poor truck maintenance or lax hiring and training.

Britton Law, has handled lawsuits against government entities for accidents involving school buses, highway maintenance trucks and other government vehicles.

We Are Committed To Justice For Your Family

To make an appointment with our Fayetteville truck accident attorneys, please call 910-401-3356 today, or use our online contact form and we will reach out to you. We handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee — no attorney fees unless we recover compensation for you.