It’s Business, And It’s Personal

What To Do If You’ve Been In A Ride Share Accident

Smartphones have changed the landscape of society in countless ways — including transportation. Ride share services like Uber and Lyft are increasingly popular across North Carolina. With a few taps on your phone, you can quickly summon a vehicle without the hassle of calling up a cab.

But what happens if the driver gets into an accident? Or if you get hit by someone who’s on the job as a ride share driver?

Understanding The Issues

These cases present unique issues because drivers aren’t considered employees of the ride share service. This means it’s harder to hold Uber or Lyft accountable.

These companies do provide commercial coverage for accidents that occur while the driver is on the job — that is, while driving a fare or going to pick one up. But the coverage limits may not be sufficient in serious accidents, and those limits are even lower when the driver is between fares.

Why We’re In A Strong Position To Help

As you can see, car accident cases involving ride shares can be complicated. You need a legal team on your side that’s familiar with these novel issues.

At Britton Law, we have the experience necessary to help you pursue maximum compensation. Our attorneys are caring, effective advocates for injury victims across North Carolina. We understand not only the intricacies of personal injury law, but also the business law considerations that come into play when addressing the employee-independent contractor distinction.

Injured On The Job As A Ride Share Driver?

Driving for a living is a dangerous job. Every hour you spend on the road slightly increases your risk of an accident. Even if you’re a stellar driver, others around you might not be, resulting in serious injuries that can sideline you for a long time.

Ride share companies like Uber and Lyft classify drivers as independent contractors so they don’t have to cover expenses such as workers’ compensation. Nonetheless, you may be entitled to compensation through auto insurance — whether your own policy, the other driver’s or Uber’s.

Working through the complex insurance issues in these cases isn’t easy. Our team can help you determine the right strategy, working tirelessly to pursue the compensation you deserve.

Get Help Today — Free Initial Consultation

To speak with a lawyer about your situation, please call our office in Fayetteville at 910-401-3356. You can also send us an email. We look forward to assisting you.