It’s Business, And It’s Personal

Experienced Representation For Victims Of Pedestrian Accidents

Were You Or Your Child Hit By A Car?

Many accidents occur when drivers are not paying attention and accidentally hit pedestrians. The impact of the mass of a car against an unprotected body almost always results in severe or catastrophic injuries.

On average, 168 people are killed and hundreds more are injured in North Carolina pedestrian accidents each year. At Britton Law, our Fayetteville personal injury lawyers are diligent advocates for people who have been hit by cars while walking or riding a bike. We fight for the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries.

Call Us Today For Aggressive Representation
If you have been injured as a pedestrian who was hit by a car, we can help. Call 910-401-3356 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your situation.

Car Vs. Pedestrian Accidents · Bicycle Accidents

A bicyclist or pedestrian being hit by a car can result in life-affecting injuries. Your ability to work may be affected, as well as being able to do the things you enjoy. You may require surgery and extensive rehab. You may require specialized equipment and continuing therapies for the rest of your life.

Many times these accidents are caused by driving too fast, drunk drivers or distracted drivers. The negligent party should be held accountable for his or her actions. We work tenaciously to obtain the compensation you need to cover medical bills, lost wages, continuing medical care, and pain and suffering.

In those cases where a car versus pedestrian accident results in death, we help you file a wrongful death claim in court. While we understand that no amount of money will replace your lost family member, it will cover funeral expenses and medical bills and replace the income your loved one brought to your household. It also sends a message that this kind of inattention will not be tolerated.

Cumberland County And Surrounding North Carolina

If you or a loved one has been injured as a pedestrian in an accident with an automobile, you may be entitled to compensation. Call our attorneys at 910-401-3356 or contact us online for a free initial consultation. We take cases on a contingency fee basis. If we accept your case, there is no fee unless we recover damages for you.