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Class action lawsuit targets nursing home

On Behalf of | May 25, 2021 | Business Litigation |

The health crisis of 2020 impacted every corner of North Carolina, from the small towns to the big cities, and nowhere was the impact more pronounced than in nursing homes.

Nursing homes, assisted care facilities, and retirement communities accounted for a disproportionate number of hospitalizations and deaths in the Tar Heel State.

With things starting to return to normal, many of these facilities are now facing scrutiny over their responses to challenges in 2020.

The Citadel, a congregate care community located in Salisbury, experienced the largest health crisis in the State. There were over 189 patients at the facility and 18 deaths, according to Rowan County records.

Now the families of two residents are suing.

In a class action lawsuit, the plaintiffs allege that the owners of the Citadel (Known as “The Genesis” when the events in the suit took place) undertook drastic cost cutting measures to service their debt obligations. According to the complaint, this belt-tightening left the facility chronically understaffed and incapable of responding to the crisis.

The complaint proceeds to list specific instances of misconduct, such as when staff left a resident who was exhibiting symptoms unquarantined.

The plaintiffs are seeking damages for their injuries.

Hold the powerful accountable

When it comes to holding powerful corporations accountable, sometimes there’s strength in numbers. This is what makes the class action lawsuit such a powerful tool for justice.

However, it should be noted that class action suits are governed by a different set of procedural rules than standard civil lawsuits. For this reason, having representation with the right experience is crucial.

Thankfully, many lawyers will provide class action representation at no out-of-pocket cost to the client. Victims shouldn’t hesitate to get started. Failure to act promptly could mean losing out on the compensation they’re entitled to by law.