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What are the different types of car accident damages?

On Behalf of | Dec 28, 2020 | Car Accidents |

Victims of car accidents can recover compensation for their damages when they have been injured by a negligent or careless driver. It is helpful for car accident victims to understand how a personal injury claim for damages can help them and to be familiar with the different types of personal injury damages.

Medical damages

Medical damages can be a significant cost and burden for car accident victims unexpectedly injured in a car accident. A personal injury claim for damages can help car accident victims with their medical care expenses including hospital costs, emergency room costs, doctor’s visits, surgery, medical equipment and medications. Help with future medical care costs may also be available.

Lost wages damages

Lost wages can be a significant concern and worry for car accident victims who have been unexpectedly injured by a negligent driver. Lost wages damages can help car accident victims cover the earnings they have lost while they are unable to work after a car accident. Lost-earning capacity damages may also be available depending on the nature of the victim’s injuries.

Pain and suffering damages

Pain and suffering damages can help with the emotional trauma and suffering associated with a car accident.

Other types of damages, including for disfigurement and disability, may also be available to injured car accident victims. In general, car accident victims can recover compensation for their physical, financial and emotional damages. Car accident victims need to be familiar with how a personal injury claim for damages can help protect them when they have been injured by a negligent driver.