It’s Business, And It’s Personal

Charlotte goes solar with new power purchase agreement

On Behalf of | Mar 17, 2020 | Corporate Contract Law |

If a small business is setting up a vendor relationship or signing a client, it may be cause for celebration but not much pomp and bureaucracy. It may be relatively easy to set a goal for the interaction and communicate them with all parties. But details should always be secured in business by some sort of contract.

This is more true when it comes to corporate contracts and arrangements for services. Corporate deals, real estate purchases or even employment agreements often require lengthy contracts to work out the details and expectations over a longer period of time or through more interactions, including partners and subsidiaries.

Charlotte is the first city or town in the United States to sign a contract with a power company’s new initiatives to sell electric power based on the renewable source of solar energy. The provider had previously secured the business of two major data companies, partially to power their massive server banks.

The largest city in North Carolina is now the largest U.S. city to use large-scale solar power through an arranged cost advantage. This new deal is expected to reduce Charlotte’s carbon footprint by a quarter once the system is operational in a couple of years.

Deals like these are always secured by thoughtful negotiations and precisely executed business contracts. Any business that needs help creating, agreeing to or understanding a contract should consider the advantages of legal representation. An attorney can deal with all of the details of drawing up corporate contracts. A lawyer may also help parties through contract disputes in negotiation or court.