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Avoiding motorcycle accident risks

On Behalf of | Jan 3, 2020 | Motorcycle Accidents |

As more and more people in North Carolina and across the U.S. choose motorcycles as their primary means of transportation, the number of motorcycle crashes will go up. There are a number of dangers that riders must be aware of, especially those involving weather, road and traffic conditions. Reduced visibility at night is another danger, contributing to as much as 60% of all motorcycle crashes.

Steering and braking abilities are limited on motorcycles, so riders have a harder time making sudden maneuvers to avoid a collision. Another hazard has to do with the small size of motorcycles. They can be difficult for drivers to see. About 70% of all motorcycle collisions take place around intersections, which makes sense when one thinks of the signs, pedestrians, cars and other obstructions that can prevent drivers from seeing motorcycles.

Having nothing but protective clothing and helmets to keep them safe, motorcyclists often sustain serious injuries in crashes. In “minor” accidents, they are usually lucky if they suffer broken bones and lacerations. Other times, they could incur soft tissue damage, multiple fractures, traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. The last two can require long-term rehabilitation and lifelong care. Of course, it is not unusual for these accidents to be fatal, too.

If a motorcyclist gets hurt in an accident caused by another party, they may be able to receive compensation for their damages. These could include the cost of repairing or replacing the motorcycle, the wages lost during the physical recovery, pain and suffering and emotional distress. This is where PI law comes into play. A victim may want an attorney to evaluate their case before moving forward. North Carolina follows the rule of contributory negligence, which means no one can recover damages who is so much as 1% at fault for an accident.