It’s Business, And It’s Personal

How to get ready to sell a company

On Behalf of | Jun 19, 2019 | Buying & Selling Businesses |

North Carolina business owners and throughout the country who plan on selling their companies in the future can take steps now to make their organizations more attractive. For instance, it can be a good idea to keep records that accurately reflect the company’s health and performance. Since buyers will analyze years worth of data, it is important to start organizing that information as soon as possible.

When an entrepreneur starts a business, it is critical to choose a structure that makes the company easier to sell. Ideally, founders will consider the tax and other consequences that may occur when a sale takes place. Choosing the wrong structure could result in profits being squandered because of taxes and other costs. If a company has intellectual property, it should move to protect it as it can provide an advantage over other businesses.

A buyer may be more likely to go through with a sale if it knows that it has a way to make money. Ideally, that edge will allow the new owner to grow its profits each year until that person or corporate entity is ready to sell. Entering into formal contracts with current customers prior to going through the sale process can make it easier to show that a business is primed for growth.

The preparations for the sale of a business begins long before a company owner decides to start searching for a buyer. Generally, the process begins the second that the owner decides that a sale will happen at some point in the future. An attorney may be able to help organize corporate records and take other steps to facilitate the process.