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How to avoid common motorcycle accidents

On Behalf of | Jun 17, 2019 | Motorcycle Accidents |

North Carolina readers know that riding motorcycles can be hazardous. However, by wearing protective clothing, buying slip-resistant tires and paying attention to the road, riders can avoid the most common types of motorcycle crashes.

The most common type of motorcycle collision occurs when a car fails to see a bike and turns left in front of it. Riders can help avoid this situation by wearing reflective clothing and looking out for signs that vehicles may be poised to turn in front of them, including blinking turn signals and cars waiting in the turn lane. If a car pulls out, riders should hit both brakes and remain upright for the best chance of avoiding injury. Another common cause of accidents happens when riders hit gravel in a blind corner. Riders can avoid this by slowing down ahead of curves and entering them wide to gain the best field of vision. Similarly, riders may enter a corner too fast and fail to make the turn. This can also be avoided by slowing down ahead of curves.

Other common causes of motorcycle crashes include cars changing lanes in front of or into riders, cars rear-ending riders, cars opening doors in front of riders and slippery road conditions. According to experts, the best way to avoid these types of collisions is for riders to reduce speed and pay attention to their surroundings at all times. Finally, a 1981 study found that up to 50% of motorcycle collisions involve alcohol. Riders can avoid this by never drinking before they climb on their bike.

Motorcycle accidents can cause broken bones, spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries. When a negligent driver causes these types of injuries, injured victims may have grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit seeking compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs and lost wages.