It’s Business, And It’s Personal

How to go about buying a business

On Behalf of | May 15, 2019 | Buying & Selling Businesses |

Each year, roughly 500,000 companies in North Carolina and throughout the country obtain new owners. Buying an existing company may be better than starting a new one for a number of reasons. For example, the brand is already known and has a track record of success. While the cost of buying a company could be higher than starting one, it may take less time and effort to recoup that initial investment.

Prior to buying the business, it is important to have an appraisal done to determine its fair market value. It is also important to do due diligence into any rules or regulations that apply to the company. For instance, if the company is located in an area that isn’t zoned for business, it could pose a problem. During the due diligence process, potential buyers should be sure to learn about any liens or other debts that the company has. In many cases, the new owner will be liable for taking care of these liabilities once the sale becomes final.

Furthermore, buyers should be sure to look into whether the company has all the permits it need to operate. If not, it may be necessary to pay for those permits in addition to the purchase price. Finally, it’s important to do a SWOT analysis to be sure that the company can survive changes in economic conditions or the emergence of a new competitor.

When someone decides to purchase a business, it is important to do so carefully. Otherwise, it could cause an individual to experience financial issues both now and into the future. Ideally, an attorney, an accountant and other professionals will assist with the transaction. This may help to ensure that an individual is getting the most value for their money both now and into the future.