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Inspection blitz puts 12k-plus buses and trucks out of service

On Behalf of | Sep 18, 2018 | Commercial Truck Accidents |

Since buses and trucks are among the largest vehicles commonly on the road in North Carolina and many other states, it’s understandable for extra efforts to be made to ensure that such vehicles are properly maintained. This is why the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance performs annual random inspections, the most recent of which resulted in more than 12,000 trucks and buses and nearly 3,000 drivers being placed out of commission. During a three-day period, more than 67,000 inspections were conducted, with most of them being level I inspections.

The focus of the most recent inspections designed to minimize bus and commercial truck accidents was hours of service. Nearly half of the driver out-of-service violations were related to issues with hours spent behind the wheel. However, less than 2 percent of the drivers singled out for hours of service violations were ordered out of service, even though driver fatigue increases the risk of accidents.

With trucks, the top issues that led to vehicles being put out of commission were problems with brake systems, tires and wheels, and brake adjustment. Additional violations involved problems with cargo securement, lighting, suspension, and steering. Other than hours of service violations, top driver violations included having a wrong class license and possession of a false record of duty status. While there were more vehicles inspected during the most recent mass inspections than the previous year, fewer drivers and vehicles were placed out of service.

If issues with negligent truck maintenance are a contributing factor to personal injuries sustained by other drivers, passengers, or pedestrians, a lawyer may pursue appropriate legal actions. Options could include seeking compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages. Depending on the circumstances of the incident, responsible parties in negligent maintenance cases may include the driver, their employer, or the manufacturer of the truck if faulty parts or design flaws are discovered.