It’s Business, And It’s Personal

Common injuries in the wake of trucking accidents

On Behalf of | Jun 1, 2018 | Commercial Truck Accidents |

Commercial truck accidents can be a frequent occurrence in North Carolina. Unfortunately, they happen to be one of the most devastating types of accidents. Approximately 97 percent of truck accident fatalities are the occupants of passenger vehicles. If they do survive, the occupants often come away with serious, long-term injuries. Even cuts and lacerations can leave scars and some form of psychological problem.

Injuries to the spinal cord, such as the compression, fracturing or dislodging of the vertebrae, are among the most severe trucking accident injuries. When nerves in the spine are damaged, they cause either temporary or permanent paralysis. Traumatic brain injuries are another possibility: These may lead to a mild or severe concussion, which is notoriously hard to diagnose because its symptoms sometimes appear days or weeks after the accident.

Victims could suffer broken bones as well, usually in the legs, arms, hips or skull. The impact of the crash may send their bodies against the window, steering wheel or airbag. These injuries may necessitate major surgery should victims need bone fragments removed or realigned.

In addition to physical conditions, truck accidents can give rise to mental trauma. Victims could suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, characterized by nightmares of the crash, flashbacks and constant anxiety even when performing day-to-day activities. About 9 percent of all auto accident survivors develop PTSD or a related condition.

To be reimbursed for the injuries they suffer in a commercial truck accident, victims can see if they have the grounds to file a personal injury claim. This may require legal assistance. A lawyer might hire professionals to gather proof of the truck driver’s negligence and determine the extent of the injuries. He or she may then be able to negotiate for an out-of-court settlement with the trucking company, litigating if the company refuses to pay or proposes a lower settlement.