It’s Business, And It’s Personal

Preparing to sell a North Carolina business

On Behalf of | Dec 28, 2017 | Buying & Selling Businesses |

Many business owners envision a time at which they will sell their companies. It is important for them to understand the process so that they might avoid making some errors.

One of the most common mistakes that business owners make is not engaging in sufficient planning before they offer their companies for sale. Ideally, they should prepare for an eventual sale for several years in advance. Good preparation can help owners to get the true value of their businesses rather than selling them at a discount.

Business owners should also understand how to identify and find potential buyers. They might want to consider hiring a business broker for assistance. Other potential buyers might include vendors or even competitors. When buyers have been identified, the business owner should be willing to show them the company’s financials and intellectual property so that the buyers understand why the owner is asking for the sales price. Business owners should make the prospective buyers sign nondisclosure agreements before they reveal their companies’ sensitive data, however.

Because of the complexity of many business transactions, business owners might want to get help from experienced attorneys who have strong backgrounds in these types of matters, as there can be a wide range of tax, regulatory and other issues that might arise. The attorneys may draft the contracts and explain everything that they contain. They might also work to negotiate terms that are more favorable to their clients. The attorneys may help their clients to close the transactions. Once the sales are complete, the former owners might want to help the new owners during the transition so that they might succeed.