It’s Business, And It’s Personal

Multiple factors lead to truck crashes

On Behalf of | Aug 24, 2017 | Commercial Truck Accidents |

Trucking accidents are increasing in North Carolina and across the United States. Because semi trucks are such powerful vehicles with massive strength, weight and large amounts of cargo, commercial truck accidents can lead to serious injuries for occupants of other vehicles.

Every year, around 475,000 large trucks are involved in accidents . Over 140,000 injuries result from these crashes as well as over 5,000 fatalities.Many contributing factors play a role in crashes, including distracted, drunk or drowsy driving, for example. However, while truck drivers can carry a reputation for aggressive driving, it is believed that about 70 percent of truck crashes are the fault of an automobile driver.

However, there is also an interesting correlation between the work week and fatal truck crashes. For truckers who work a standard Monday to Friday schedule, Thursday is consistently the deadliest day of the week, followed by Friday. This could indicate the role of mental and physical exhaustion in truck crashes at the end of the work week. In addition, most 2015 truck accidents involving fatalities took place on major roads that were smaller than freeways and interstates. Speeding could play a role in these crashes, but highways also have high rates of speed but a significantly smaller percentage of crashes.

People who have been injured in a commercial truck accident through no fault of their own may suffer severe injuries. Whether the accident was caused by negligent or drowsy driving, improper training or excessive speed, a personal injury lawyer can provide important advice and representation. Accident victims can pursue compensation for their medical bills, lost wages and other damages sustained as a result of such a crash.