It’s Business, And It’s Personal

Legal guidance with your business transactions

On Behalf of | Mar 23, 2017 | Buying & Selling Businesses |

When it comes to any type of business transaction, Britton Law is dedicated to serving the needs of business owners in North Carolina. Representing clients in the state for more than two decades, John H. Britton is experienced and knowledgeable regarding the ins and outs of a wide range of legal business matters. In addition to his law degree, John holds an MBA, something that not many lawyers in the Fayetteville area possess. Because of these credentials, our law firm is able to help our clients in a much broader scope.

In addition to John’s outstanding credentials, he works hard to earn the respect and trust of his clients. As a Fayetteville business transaction lawyer, he will strive to do everything possible to ensure that his client’s business goals are met. From drafting and revising business contracts to completing your other necessary business documents, our law firm is dedicated to making your business transactions easier.

When it comes to those legal details regarding selling or buying an existing business, filing corporate reports, preparing confidentiality agreements and non-complete clauses, our firm represents both large-scale corporations and small organizations. Whether you have long-term or short-term business needs, we want you to experience a smooth and organized business transaction, and our law firm will help alert you to any possible legal obstacle that may be in your way and offer a workable strategy to overcome those obstacles.

If you need legal guidance with dissolving a corporation or business, we could guide you through the complicated process. We will also make every effort to help new business entrepreneurs with the formation and establishment of their business entity.

Whether you are thinking of starting a limited liability company, corporation, partnership or another kind of entity, let us assist you. To know more about our firm, please visit our webpage on our transactional services.