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Inspection event and cargo securement

On Behalf of | Mar 17, 2017 | Commercial Truck Accidents |

Commercial truck drivers in North Carolina and the rest of the nation should be aware of International Roadcheck, an annual inspection event that will occur June 6-8, 2017. This year, the event, which is sponsored by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, will focus on ensuring that the cargo being transported is secured.

Inspectors will be carrying out the North American Standard Level I inspections for 72 hours. These examinations are considered to be the most thorough as both the driver and the truck are inspected. Even though checking cargo securement is a standard part of CVSA’s Level I inspection, inspectors will be paying special attention to it to remind drivers of its importance.

The CVSA has designed a flyer that provides tips for cargo securement and will be provided to drivers and fleets before the event begins. The organization advises that it is necessary to ensure that the cargo and all equipment are appropriately secured and that tie-downs should be closely inspected for any signs of damage or wear.

Typical violations related to cargo securement include the failure to secure truck equipment and not preventing the shifting or loss of cargo. Drivers may also be cited for inadequate, damaged or loose tie-downs.

Several factors may contribute to commercial truck accidents. Individuals who sustain injuries or whose loved one has died as a result of being in an accident involving a commercial vehicle should speak with a personal injury attorney. A lawyer may conduct an investigation of the accident to determine whether there were any federal trucking regulations violations. Financial compensation may be pursued if the accident was a result of negligent truck maintenance, an unqualified driver, speeding, driver fatigue or defective auto parts.