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Family sues German airline for crash that killed loved ones

On Behalf of | Feb 6, 2017 | Wrongful Death |

North Carolina residents may be interested to learn that the family of an American mother and daughter who were killed in a plane crash that occurred in the French Alps filed a wrongful death lawsuit on Feb. 1. According to reports, the family is seeking compensation from Germanwings after the co-pilot of the flight crashed the plane in a remote area. The German airline company’s parent company, Lufthansa Airlines and United Airlines were also named in the lawsuit.

According to the lawsuit, the mother and daughter purchased tickets from United to fly to Spain. As they were transferring from Spain to Germany, where they were supposed to connect back to England, the crash occurred. The suit claims that the German airline and their parent company were negligent as they did not have a policy that required two pilots to be in the cabin at all times. United was included in the lawsuit as they are part of the global airline alliance.

United issued a statement stating that the lawsuit had no merit and that the company would defend itself. Officials for the German airlines did not reply to a media request for comment.

When a fatal accident that was caused by another person occurs, there is nothing that will bring the deceased individual back. However, the death can cause emotional and financial problems. A personal injury attorney may help a client file a wrongful death claim against the negligent person or company responsible for the death in order to seek adequate compensation. This compensation may potentially cover funeral costs and help pay the bills, especially if the family relied on the deceased person’s income.