It’s Business, And It’s Personal

What to know about selling a business

On Behalf of | Jan 26, 2017 | Buying & Selling Businesses |

North Carolina entrepreneurs who are trying to sell their business should understand that many factors determine how quickly that goal may be accomplished. In some cases, the price that the business owner wants may be more than what a professional valuation reveals the company to be worth. Furthermore, a buyer may need to take into account any interest paid on a loan used to acquire a business.

Business owners should also take into account any tax implications that could complicate a deal. This may be either helped or exacerbated by the current state of the industry and the economic outlook as a whole. Business owners should also think about what they want to do after they sell their companies. For some, it is time to retire while others may want to merge their business with another to create more growth.

Ideally, those who are thinking about selling their companies will plan for the future as soon as possible. This may prevent an individual from becoming part of the 75 percent of owners who regret making the sale. Therefore, anyone thinking about selling a company should consider why they want to sell and what will give them purpose afterward. In some cases, it could mean working with a charity or starting another business.

Prior to any completing these types of business transactions, it may be worthwhile to talk with an attorney. Doing so may make it easier to determine if the sale makes sense from a financial and emotional perspective. Attorneys for a seller will usually take the lead in negotiating the terms of the transaction and in preparing the applicable documents.