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Estimated 5,000 drowsy driving fatalities in 2015

On Behalf of | Aug 15, 2016 | Car Accidents |

North Carolina motorists may be surprised to learn that an estimated 5,000 people died in 2015 around the country as a result of drowsy driving. People who drive while sleep-deprived are more likely to cause accidents as their reaction times are slower and they may not be paying attention to what is going on in front of them or next to them.

Statistics show that motor vehicle deaths across the nation were up 7.7 percent in 2015. A report issued by the Governors Highway Safety Association on drowsy driving indicates that the true extent of the problem may not be known. One issue is that there are many challenges when it comes to measuring the number of drivers who drive while drowsy. Further, combating the behavior is another problem altogether. Many law enforcement agencies do not have protocols or training that helps officers recognize drowsy driving.

There are certain drivers who are more likely to drive while drowsy. Almost half of these accidents are caused by teenagers or young adults. In order to combat the problem, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said that better data collection and driver education focusing on teens and young adults may help.

Auto wrecks caused by drowsy drivers can leave those involved with serious injuries that could have an impact on their lives. An attorney who is seeking compensation of behalf of an injured victim can use evidence such as eyewitness testimony and a vehicle’s technology to show that the motorist was negligent and should be held financially responsible.