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Autocycle: a concept vehicle that’s closer to being concrete

On Behalf of | May 1, 2015 | Motorcycle Accidents |

It is widely observed that a lot of the devices that are now science fact got their start as science fiction. Airplanes might not exist today if Greek mythology hadn’t inspired us with the story of Icarus and Daedalus and their attempt at flight with wings of wax and feathers.

Back in March, we offered a post about a vehicle that does not yet exist except in the form of a concept. A bill had been introduced in the North Carolina House seeking to move the idea of the autocycle closer to reality by defining what it is and making it legal on state roads.

Well, that bill cleared the House without dissent a few weeks ago and at last word it was awaiting possible action by the state Senate. Meanwhile, a similar measure was introduced in the U.S. Senate. And this past month, Elio Motors, the company looking to make the autocycle a reality, announced plans to go public to raise funds it needs to start production. This all suggests the Elio autocycle is inching into the world of fact.

So what is an autocycle? The state bill describes at as a three-wheeled vehicle. What makes it different from other three-wheeled motorcycles on the road now is that it uses car-type controls. It has seats with seatbelts, antilock brakes, airbags. Occupants ride fully enclosed in a protective body.

Elio Motors officials say the vehicle has all the safety features required for cars by federal regulation. But it has the fuel efficiency of a motorcycle and will cost less than $7,000 if and when it becomes a reality.

No one can guarantee safety on the road, regardless of what vehicle is used. We all share a duty to be attentive, but accidents due to driver distraction or recklessness do occur. Working with an experienced attorney is one way victims of such accidents can hold offending drivers accountable for the true costs incurred.