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North Carolina woman killed in alleged speeding accident

On Behalf of | Oct 28, 2014 | Car Accidents |

A North Carolina woman is dead after a two-vehicle accident that occurred on Oct. 23 around 3:40 p.m. The 62-year-old woman was reportedly traveling west on N.C. 72 when her vehicle collided head-on with another vehicle being driven by a 25-year-old man.

According to the North Carolina Highway Patrol, the male driver was headed eastbound and speeding, traveling about 75 mph, when he lost control of his vehicle, causing it to travel off the road. When he over-corrected, his vehicle crossed over into the female driver’s lane. While the woman was reportedly going the speed limit of 55 mph, police say she was not wearing a seat belt.

After the collision, the male driver’s car stopped in a ditch, while the victim’s car stopped on the shoulder of the road. Authorities report that the accident was caused by speeding as well as careless and reckless driving on the part of the male driver. Charges against the man were pending at the time of the report, and it was unclear if he sustained injuries during the accident.

When speeding and/or reckless driving are factors in a fatal accident, the family of anyone killed in such an accident may choose to pursue a wrongful death claim against the at-fault driver. An attorney may be able to help the family receive compensation for damages such as medical bills and funeral costs as well as pain and suffering caused by their loved one’s death. Distracted drivers can be held liable not only for criminal charges but also for civil claims that result from their actions behind the wheel.

Source:, “Wreck kills 62-year old city woman“, Sarah Willets, October 24, 2014