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North Carolina woman cited after 5-vehicle accident

On Behalf of | Jul 17, 2014 | Car Accidents |

A five-vehicle collision in Jamestown sent three people to the hospital, authorities reported. Police charged a 35-year-old woman with careless and reckless driving in connection with the July 9 incident, which reportedly occurred on Interstate 85 at about 7:25 a.m.

According to authorities, the 35-year-old woman was traveling in the northbound lanes of the interstate between Vickrey Chapel Road and River Road when she attempted to change lanes and collided with two other cars. Ultimately, two more vehicles reportedly became involved in the accident when a couple of vehicles from the initial collision caromed into southbound traffic.

Emergency crews took three drivers involved in the multi-vehicle wreck to hospitals for treatment of their injuries. While the nature of their injuries was not clear immediately following the crash, authorities reported that none was life-threatening.

Accident-related injuries are often serious in nature, requiring lengthy hospital stays, intensive rehabilitation and long-term medical care. Consequently, accident victims must often deal with not just physical pain but also financial stress related to their injuries. However, victims may seek civil remedies for these economic damages if there is substantial evidence that the car accident was caused by the actionable behavior of another party.

For example, if a preponderance of evidence from this particular Jamestown case were to corroborate the notion that one of the driver’s careless and reckless driving contributed to the accident, then the people who suffered injuries as a result may hold the at-fault driver accountable for the event in civil court. By filing a personal injury claim, the accident victims may seek financial compensation for hospital bills, medical expenses and even lost wages related to their injuries.

Source: News & Record, “Lane change led to 5-vehicle accident, woman charged“, Sarah Newell Williamson, July 09, 2014