It’s Business, And It’s Personal

Family claims medical malpractice caused son’s suicide

On Behalf of | Apr 16, 2014 | Medical Malpractice |

People in North Carolina who are in pain visit the doctor in order to receive some relief for their symptoms. In most circumstances, the patients either remain the same or see some improvement. However, in some cases, medical malpractice could actually cause more problems for a patient. One family claims that a doctor’s actions actually led to their son’s suicide. A jury has recently ruled in the family’s favor.

The patient, who was 40 at the time of his death, reportedly experienced a great deal of back pain. In Dec. 2008, he was given an injection in his back. Unfortunately, it did little to ease his pain, so he received another injection in Jan. 2009. After this treatment, a lump appeared. A papers filed with the court, the man allegedly brought the lump to this health care provider’s attention on at least two different occasions but was assured that swelling was normal.

Later that month, the man was found disorientated and taken to emergency room, where he learned that a strain of MRSA had caused meningitis. He was informed that he would either die or become paralyzed. While he did survive, he was impotent, incontinent and had difficulty walking as a result of damaged nerves in his spine.

He initiated court proceedings but, unfortunately, took his life in Feb. 2013. His parents claim that the doctor’s actions led to his suicide. A jury recently agreed, awarding his parents almost $3 million in damages. Representatives for the doctor claim that he will appeal the verdict.

The deceased man’s family is hopeful that the verdict will demonstrate the potential side effects of such pain injections. People in North Carolina who have been a victim of medical malpractice also have the option of seeking legal recourse in a civil court as this family has done. By doing so, similar incidents may be prevented by bringing attention to the effects of medical malpractice.

Source:, “Jury awards nearly $3 million in malpractice case“, , April 8, 2014