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Collision in North Carolina injures a postal worker

On Behalf of | Dec 11, 2013 | Car Accidents |

No one expects that, when they are going about their typical workday, they could end up in the hospital due to a car accident. For those employees whose job puts them out on the road, it is more likely that they may be involved in a collision. This became the reality for a postal worker in North Carolina who was recently involved in a car crash while she was out on her daily mail route.

The accident occurred at a local intersection in High Point, while the postal driver was making a u-turn. Her vehicle was struck by a pickup truck, which caused her to be ejected from her mail truck. She sustained unspecified injuries and was transported to a local medical center for treatment. It was not reported if the driver of the pickup had sustained any injuries.

Investigation into the cause of this crash is still ongoing. Speed, however, is considered to be one of the contributing factors in this case. It is unknown if any criminal charges are pending.

Victims of car accidents are often left with severe injury that can require extensive medical treatment. Possible loss of wages due to time off work and growing medical expenses can create a financial hardship that can be difficult to overcome. The victim of this collision may be entitled to file a personal injury claim against the driver deemed responsible. If negligence is found in the cause of the crash, and liability is established to the satisfaction of a North Carolina civil court, the victim could be awarded reimbursement to help ease the expenses that resulted from the accident, and to help her on the road to recovery.

Source:, Postal worker injured in accident, No author, Nov. 30, 2013