It’s Business, And It’s Personal

Head-on collision in North Carolina causes serious injury

On Behalf of | Oct 21, 2013 | Car Accidents |

In the grand scheme of things, there is only about a foot-wide stretch of double-lined road that separates drivers from serious consequences. If one driver makes a slight overcorrection or becomes distracted for even a single moment and cross the lines, lives could be changed forever due to serious injury or even death. A similar accident in North Carolina could also result in criminal charges and a civil case against one driver.

In mid-October, the driver of a pickup truck was traveling on a North Carolina road. He told police that his brakes locked up. The alleged malfunction caused him to cross the center line and strike a car head-on.

Both drivers are being treated at area hospitals with the driver of the car requiring helicopter transportation. The investigation into the accident is likely still ongoing. A person from the highway patrol, however, has stated that charges against the driver of the pickup truck will likely be filed.

If there is enough evidence available to convict the man of criminal charges, the guilty verdict could further support a personal injury lawsuit in a North Carolina civil court. As a result of the serious injury the woman sustained in the accident, she will likely face medical bills, lost wages and other financial ramifications. Often, such an accident causes injuries that require long term care and rehabilitation. If she can prove the accident was caused by the other driver’s negligence, she could receive compensation to help alleviate the financial burdens created by the accident that she was likely unable to avoid.

Source:, 2 injured in head-on wreck east of Statesville, No author, Oct. 16, 2013