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North Carolina motorcycle crash may lead to wrongful death case

On Behalf of | Sep 2, 2013 | Wrongful Death |

At this time of year, it is common to see motorcyclists enjoying the open road and weather. Although motor vehicle drivers should always demonstrate care and vigilance when traveling, it is much more essential that such behaviors are demonstrated in warmer temperatures when more motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians are on the road. Failure to do so could easily result in a tragic accident. One such accident in North Carolina could potentially lead to a wrongful death case against a female driver.

The accident occurred just after midnight in late August. A 52-year-old man on a motorcycle was traveling on a North Carolina road. A 25-year-old woman allegedly attempted to make a left turn, striking the man. According to witness statements, the motorcyclist had a green light.

The man was transported to an area hospital for treatment. Unfortunately, he later died from his injuries. The female driver has since been charged with drunk driving and failure to yield the right of way.

The family of the deceased man is likely facing some difficult questions as they cope with the emotional aspects of their loved one’s death. How will they afford his funeral? In the future, how will they cope with the loss of his income? To ease their financial uncertainty, the surviving family members have the option of filing a wrongful death case in a North Carolina civil court. If they can prove to the court that the woman’s negligence caused the man’s death, they could receive financial compensation to help cover the expenses incurred as a result of the accident

Source:, Motorcyclist killed in Raleigh wreck, No author, Aug. 31, 2013