It’s Business, And It’s Personal

North Carolina accident could lead to wrongful death case

On Behalf of | Jun 27, 2013 | Wrongful Death |

High school is an interesting time for teenagers. With all the ups and downs of being a teenager, most everyone can remember that one friend that they did everything with. Some high school friends remain close throughout life, while others drift apart, left only with fond memories. Unfortunately for one teenager, her memories of the best friend she met at a North Carolina high school will most likely be tinged with the desolation of her tragic death. While the community and her family still reel with the news of the girl’s death, her family could consider filing a wrongful death case against the alleged culprit in the accident.

In the early hours of a mid-June morning, two friends from high school were crossing the road. Unfortunately, both 18-year-old girls were strike by a sedan as they crossed. According to police reports, the driver of the sedan fled the scene. One of the girls was killed in the accident. The second victim was transported to the hospital; the most recent update listed her in good condition.

The driver of the sedan, a 33-year-old man, was located and taken into custody soon afterwards. He has been charged with two counts of hit and run as well as driving on a revoked license. Presumably prosecutors will seek to hold the man responsible for his alleged involvement in the accident.

For the family of the deceased teenager, criminal charges may hold some comfort for them but will not help them in the practical matters related to her death. A wrongful death suit filed in a North Carolina civil court could help them secure compensation for the financial burdens that arose as a result of the tragic accident. Additionally, the surviving teenager will likely face a long recovery and stacks of medical bills. She could also gain compensation for these cases if a civil court rules that the driver’s negligence caused the accident.

Source:, “Man charged in deadly hit-and-run crash,” Kevin Holmes, June 15, 2013