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Georgia-Pacific develops pans for Carolina facilities

On Behalf of | Apr 5, 2013 | Business Formation & Planning |

North Carolina, along with South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas are all under considering by Georgia-Pacific for facility expansion sites. The company hopes that establishing a business in these locations will increase lumber and plywood capacity by as much as 20 percent. Startup is expected from the first half of 2014 through 2015.

The company states that the demand for its products are improving and that the proposed expansion would provide materials for long-term recovery in the housing market. Georgia-Pacific not only manufactures plywood and other wood-based products but also manufactures products for Dixie, a company that produces paper cups, paper towels, and other paper-based products including corrugated cardboard for packaging.

Georgia-Pacific is a subsidiary of Koch Industries, a company based in Wichita, Kansas. The company currently employs about 1,300 people in South Carolina and the proposed expansion may also create jobs in North Carolina or other states. The company has invested approximately $1.5 billion since 2006 in acquisitions of property and equipment upgrades to improve their business.

Large or small businesses that want to expand or create new opportunities may benefit from consulting a business attorney. There are many legal considerations when starting a new business or expanding an existing company that should be taken into account in any business plan. A business attorney may be able to explain options, advantages, and disadvantages to plans to expand a business or start up a new location. Making sound and informed business decisions may be the key to success or failure for businesses of all sizes.

Source: GSA Business, “Georgia-Pacific mulling $400M investment in plywood, lumber facilities,” March 22, 2013