It’s Business, And It’s Personal

Dump truck driver cited for causing crash in North Carolina

On Behalf of | Feb 13, 2013 | Truck Accidents |

Earlier this week, a road had to be closed temporarily in North Carolina while workers cleared debris from a crash between a dump truck and a pickup truck. Since the accident happened only one day ago, reports have not yet stated whether anyone was seriously injured in the truck accident.

The accident happened in New Hanover County. According to reports, a dump truck overturned on the road while the driver was attempting to make a turn. The dump truck struck a pickup truck as it overturned on the road, police reported.

After investigating the accident, police said that the weight of the dump truck’s load was a possible factor in the accident. Dump trucks cannot exceed certain weight limits for safety purposes. However, it appears that the driver may have been driving with a load that did exceed weight limits, causing the vehicle to overturn. Police said that the driver has been cited for the crash.

Reports have not stated whether the dump truck driver was injured in the accident. Reports have also not mentioned whether the driver of the pickup truck was injured when the dump truck crashed into the pickup truck.

Motorists who have been injured in truck accidents similar to the accident that is mentioned in today’s blog post need to stand up for their rights after a crash. No one should have to suffer the consequences of another driver’s mistakes, especially when these mistakes are entirely preventable.

Although victims are often entitled to obtain compensation after being injured in a truck accident in North Carolina, trucking firms and their insurance companies may try to avoid providing victims with the compensation they need and deserve after being injured in a truck crash. In order to make sure victims’ rights remain protected while they seek compensation for their medical expenses, pain and suffering and other damages after a crash, victims may want to consider consulting an attorney who will know how to stand up to negligent trucking firms and their insurance carriers.

Source: 6 WECT, “Lanes now reopened following overturning of dump truck,” Caraline Waldrep, Feb. 12, 2013