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Fayetteville bicyclist struck, killed by driver with revoked license

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2013 | Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Accidents |

Having a driver’s license is a privilege in Fayetteville that comes with great responsibility. Motorists have a responsibility to drive safely, and they also have a responsibility to obtain auto insurance in order to protect themselves and others from suffering major financial consequences in the event of a serious or fatal accident.

In North Carolina, motorists may have their driver’s licenses suspended or revoked when they show that they are not able to take their responsibilities seriously. These laws are meant to keep our roads safe, but these laws are often broken. When these laws are broken, innocent motorists and pedestrians could be harmed. Just this weekend, a bicyclist was killed in Fayetteville after he was struck by a vehicle. The man who was operating the vehicle had a revoked driver’s license.

According to police, the fatal bicycle accident occurred on Saturday near Raeford Road. A motorist was attempting to make a left turn when he struck the bicyclist, a 50-year-old man. The bicyclist was hospitalized after the crash, but he did not survive his injuries. Authorities are still investigating the crash, but they have said that the driver was cited for driving with a revoked license.

Auto accidents involving pedestrians or bicyclists often result in catastrophic injuries. Although some accidents should never happen, victims should at the very least be able to obtain the maximum amount in compensation they need to pay for medical expenses, lost wages and perhaps even funeral expenses.

Unfortunately, when accident victims are struck by uninsured or underinsured motorists, the process of recovering damages could be very challenging. Under these circumstances, crash victims and their families may consider working with an attorney who is experienced with handling personal injury and wrongful death claims that involve victims who have been harmed by uninsured or underinsured motorists.

Source:, “Cyclist struck, killed in Fayetteville,” Aaron Schoonmaker, Jan. 12, 2013