It’s Business, And It’s Personal

Teen business owner reports profit in 1st year

On Behalf of | Oct 25, 2012 | Business Formation & Planning |

An 18-year-old woman who opened her own business in Southport last year is proof that with a good idea and proper planning, a person of any age can successfully start a new business. She is the owner of a water ice shop that reportedly turned a profit in its first year of operation, despite her youth.

The woman’s interest in water ice, also known as Italian Ice, began when she was a little girl and her parents made the sweet treat to sell to resorts in the Grand Strand area. That business did not last, but the family held onto their recipes. In February of this year, the woman and her father were visiting Southport when they found a commercial building with open shop space. While talking to the building’s owner, the teen said, she suddenly had an idea: why not open her own water ice shop?

While it is unusual for someone so young to open a business, this owner has some unique characteristics. Beyond her apparent maturity, she learned about business working for her parents, and she had a significant nest egg saved up from previous jobs she has held. Besides the brick-and-mortar store, she also has a vendor pushcart that she brings to the farmer’s market and other public events.

Many people have great ideas for new businesses, but may be worried they lack the necessary experience to own their own business. Perhaps this story can inspire people to take a chance. Of course, being advised by a business attorney can help.

Source: StarNews Online, “Teen entrepreneur takes a risk, opens Italian ice shop,” Carolyn Bower, Oct. 23, 2012