It’s Business, And It’s Personal

Injured woman sues North Carolina trucking firm after crash

On Behalf of | Apr 18, 2012 | Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Accidents |

When a Fayetteville motorist, pedestrian or bicyclist is injured in a truck accident, he or she may be entitled to compensation for any injuries resulting from the accident.

However, truck companies oftentimes attempt to avoid being held liable for truck accident victims’ injuries, and insurance companies will work hard to protect trucking firms or commercial vehicle companies from being held accountable for any negligence. Additionally, if a truck driver does not have proper insurance coverage, it may be even more difficult for an accident victim to receive the compensation he or she may need after suffering serious injuries in a crash.

One woman who was injured in a crash caused by an uninsured driver for a North Carolina-based trucking firm is now taking legal action after the driver and company failed to accept responsibility for the crash. She is requesting damages to cover lost wages, mental anguish and physical pain resulting from the crash. One can only imagine how frustrated she must be that she has yet to receive compensation to cover expenses resulting from her injuries, but also that the driver who allegedly caused the crash has yet to take responsibility for the incident.

The crash occurred in May 2009. According to the woman’s lawsuit, she was driving her 1999 Chevrolet Lumina on the road when a 2001 Peterbilt tractor-trailer crashed into her car. The woman claims that the driver of the truck failed to keep a proper lookout on the road, and as a result, the driver merged his truck into the same traffic lane the woman had been traveling in, causing the vehicles to collide.

The lawsuit also claims that the truck driver did not use his brakes in time to avoid a collision and that he failed to maintain control and speed of his truck, which also contributed to the accident. The driver who was operating the truck owned by the North Carolina firm did not have insurance coverage at the time of the accident, the lawsuit claims.

Source: Victoria Advocate, “Injured in wreck, woman files suit against truck driver,” Gheni Platenburg, April 8, 2012